The Mediterranean diet is based on the traditional foods that people used to eat in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Folks in these countries around the Mediterranean basin seem to live longer and suffer less than most Americans from all sorts of chronic disease. Research has shown that it is significantly due to their diet and lifestyle.
The Mediterranean diet typically has a high ratio of monounsaturated fat to saturated and polyunsaturated fat and it supplies an abundance of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains. It is a balanced carb (52%), relatively high fat (30%), and usually low protein (18%) lifestyle diet. Average daily caloric intake is around 1500 kcal.
The Mediterranean lifestyle may offer a host of health benefits, including weight maintenance, prevention and control of diabetes, prediabetes, fatty liver, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and brain health. It also happened to be one of the easiest lifestyle plans to follow.
Types of Food You’ll Eat On this Plan
ENJOY fruits and veggies, olive oil, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds, fish, shellfish and even wine.
REDUCE eggs, poultry, cheese, and yogurt.
ELIMINATE too much red meat, sugar, refined grains, refined oils, processed meat and highly processed foods.
This Plan Is Suited For:
- Age: Any Adult Age
- Sex: Unisex
- Weight Focus: Slow Steady Weight Loss, Long Term Weight Maintenance
- Health Focus: Overall Health, Inflammation, Digestive, Musculoskeletal, Brain, Diabetes and Prediabetes, Liver, Cardiovascular
- Ease of Application: Easy
Mediterranean Diet Macro Nutrient Ratios
Calories: 1500/day
- Carbohydrates 52%
- Protein 18%
- Fat 30%
Compared to Recommended Longterm Plan Ratios
- Carbohydrates (45-65%, average 51%) 51%
- Protein (10-35%, average 22%) 22%
- Fat (20-35%, average 27%) 27%

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