On this plan you will follow the Paleo diet while you’re also fasting intermittently. The combination of the restrictive, anti-inflammatory diet with an element of fasting will enhance weight loss speed plus give the body time to repair itself.
The Paleo diet is a diet that is composed solely of what the Paleo caveman hunted or gathered during the Paleolithic period, roughly 2.5 million years ago to 10,000 B.C., which is right before the advent of the agriculture revolution (10,000 BC on).
Paleo is a low carb (23%), high fat (39%) and high protein (38%) short term diet with an average daily caloric intake of around 1000 kcal. This diet is designed to help with inflammation, autoimmune disease, and digestive health.
Intermittent Fasting (IF) is not a diet per se but can be described as an eating pattern that cycles between periods of feeding and fasting. Fasting has been practiced throughout human history. Ancient humans did not have free access to food and sometimes could not find anything to eat so they had to frequently resort to an innate mechanism that allowed us to function without food for extended periods of time. In fact, fasting was more likely to occur, than abundant eating multiple times each day. IF can be added to any eating plan as it does not specify which foods you eat but rather when you eat, which for most people mean skipping a meal causing a reduction in total caloric intake to the tune of 300-500 calories per day, which assist in weight loss.
The three most practiced forms of IF are:
- The 16/8 method: Restrict your daily eating period to 8 hours by skipping breakfast or dinner.
- The 24-hour method: Fast from dinner one day until dinner the next day, one to two times per week.
- The 5:2 method: Consume only 500–600 calories on two non-consecutive days of any given IF week but eat as usual the other 5 days.
In this plan you are going to follow the 16/8 method as it has been reported by our clients to be the simplest, most sustainable, and easiest to stick to.
Types of Food You’ll Eat On this Plan
ENJOY meat, poultry, seafood, seasonal fruits, vegetables, traditional fats, nuts and seeds.
REDUCE nothing on Paleo as you are expected to only eat what is allowed and avoid what is not. Not that flexible!
ELIMINATE grains, dairy, legumes, sugar, seed oils and alcohol.
Example of Restricted Feeding Time Schedule
Skip breakfast and break your fast at 12pm (noon). Eat your meals in the next 8 hours and stop eating at 8pm.
Start eating at breakfast time, for example 8am and stop eating at 4pm. In this scenario you will skip dinner.
This Plan Is Suited For:
- Age: 18-55
- Sex: Unisex
- Weight Focus: Fastest Weight Loss
- Health Focus: Inflammation, Autoimmune, Digestive Health
- Ease of Application: Long Term Benefit With a Short Learning Curve
Paleo Diet Macro Nutrient Ratios
Calories: 800/day
- Carbohydrates 23%
- Protein 38%
- Fat 39%
Compared to Recommended Longterm Plan Ratios
- Carbohydrates (45-65%, average 51%) 51%
- Protein (10-35%, average 22%) 22%
- Fat (20-35%, average 27%) 27%

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