A 2017 report found that plant-based diets are becoming more popular in the United States as 6% of the population now identify as vegan, compared with just 1% in 2014.
Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or poultry, neither do vegans. But vegans go further, excluding all animal products from their diets – even dairy and eggs. If you are adhering to a vegan diet, that means no refried beans with lard, margarine made with whey and anything with gelatin, which comes from animal bones and hooves.
At an average daily caloric intake of 1300 kcal. Vegan lifestyle affords balanced carbohydrate intake (57%), a generally high fat intake (30%) with usually low protein (13%), making it very helpful with both fast and long term weight loss as well as inflammation and autoimmune conditions and digestive health.
Types of Food You’ll Eat On This Plan
ENJOY fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, plant-based milks, olive oil and olives.
REDUCE added sugar and refined grains.
ELIMINATE anything from an animal source such as meat, poultry, seafood, dairy, eggs, mayonnaise, honey, etc.
This Plan Is Suited For:
- Age: Any Adult Age
- Sex: Unisex
- Weight Focus: Fast Weight Loss, Long Term Weight Loss
- Health Focus: Overall Health, Inflammation, Digestive, Musculoskeletal, Brain, Diabetes and Prediabetes, Liver, Cardiovascular
- Ease of Application: Easy
Vegan Diet Macro Nutrient Ratios
Calories: 1300/day
- Carbohydrates 57%
- Protein 13%
- Fat 30%
Compared to Recommended Longterm Plan Ratios
- Carbohydrates (45-65%, average 51%) 51%
- Protein (10-35%, average 22%) 22%
- Fat (20-35%, average 27%) 27%

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