Pregnancy Fitness Done Right – 4 Week Plan
A plan to help you focus on sensible eating and exercise to avoid gaining an unhealthy amount of weight during pregnancy.

At Home Pregnancy Related Fitness Plan
Pregnancy Fitness Done Right – 4 Week Plan
This plan is designed for pregnant women who want to focus on sensible eating and exercise guidelines to avoid gaining an unhealthy amount of weight during pregnancy.
For women who have poor diet and exercise habits, this plan can help you begin to form better habits and attain a safer and healthier weight, for you and your child, prior to your delivery date.
If you have never exercised or maybe it just has been a long time this plan is customized for you...the true beginner. It is never too late to start your journey to wellness.
It will include a beginning exercise plan along with tips for starting and succeeding on your wellness plan. It will start out slowly and gradually get more challenging through the 8 weeks.
What You’ll Need to Follow this Plan
The Wellgevita App on your phone or on your computer. Your fitness regimen is delivered to your email inbox daily and is also delivered within the app on your device daily.
An exercise or yoga mat. As you'll be doing many exercises on the floor, a mat is ideal to ensure you are comfortable.
Your own body weight. Many of your exercises will simply use your own body weight to work up a sweat and build strength.
Walking or tennis shoes. Get a pair of comfortable trainers or walking shoes and leave them ready at the front door.